Join us for uplifting mornings of faith formation, worship, music, engaging sermons, & fellowship every Sunday at Plymouth Church!
School Year Service
September - May
10:30 am
In the Sanctuary
Sunday School for K-8th Grade
Children are led to Sunday School after the Passing of the Peace
11:30 am: Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall
Summer Service
Memorial Day - Labor Day
10:00 am
In the Sanctuary: Memorial Day-June
In the Chapel: July-Labor Day
On the Lawn: Last Sunday of June, July, and August
Children’s Church for K-8th Grade
Children meet in the Children’s Garden before the service
11:00 am: Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall

Whether we sing, ring a bell, blow a trumpet, shake a maraca, strum a guitar, or clap on two and four (more likely one and three), we are able to feel the presence of a loving God! The only requirements to participate in our music program are enthusiasm, energy, and effort!
Worship at Plymouth Church combines progressive theology with traditional liturgy. The music is exceptional and ranges from ancient to modern. Come as you are--in jeans or a suit--and feel right at home!