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Join us for uplifting mornings of faith formation, worship, music, engaging sermons
& fellowship every Sunday at Plymouth Church!


September – First Sunday of June

10:30 AM: Worship in the Sanctuary & Sunday School (K- 8th Grade) 
Children are led to Sunday School after Children's Message. They return to their seats before worship ends.

11:40 AM: Fellowship time in the sanctuary and outside on the steps.

Plymouth Church Summer Worship: Chapel
June – First Sunday of September

10:00 AM: Worship in the Chapel & Children’s Church (K- 5th Grade) offered & Professional Child Care offered.

11:10 AM: Coffee Hour outdoors on the lawn

Worship Department

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into God’s presence with singing.”
Psalm 100:1-2

The Worship Department supports the Ministerial staff to create vital worship which develops the church’s openness to God’s spirit, coordinating the elements of Sunday morning and other worship including, but not limited to, music, arts, ushers, chancel, communion, baptism.

The Worship Department advises the Senior Minister on other rites of the church such as weddings and funerals.
The Worship Department also serves an as advisor for those preparing for the ministry.

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