We're Glad You're Here!

As an Open & Affirming congregation, Plymouth welcomes persons of any age, color, ability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We embrace those of varying theological and political beliefs and differing ethnic, socio-economic, and educational backgrounds. Our congregation joyfully welcomes all in worship, ministry, fellowship, leadership, sacraments, and blessings!
What Does "All Are Welcome" Mean?
We celebrate the dignity of every person, and affirm that people of all ages, genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, marital statuses, classes, and physical and mental ways of engaging the world are welcome to full belonging, participation, and leadership in the church community.
Sunday Mornings
The worship service begins at 10:30 am in the sanctuary from September – May. From Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend, worship begins at 10:00 am and is sometimes held in the Chapel or outside on the lawn.
The Sunday worship service is the heartbeat of our community. We worship together by sharing music and singing, opening the scriptures, addressing God through prayer, attending to sermons, and holding God’s world with love. As you enter, a friendly usher will greet you and give you a program to guide you through the service.
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, and other special services. Communion is open to all who wish to receive it. We share this sacrament in remembrance of the meal shared between Christ and his disciples.
We maintain the ancient Christian practice of receiving a financial offering to support the church’s ministries. We welcome your gifts and encourage everyone to live a life marked by generosity. However, a financial gift is not required for participation in worship.
Virtual worship is available every Sunday on our Livestream page on our website and recordings are available on our YouTube page.
Children and families of all configurations are welcome and cherished at Plymouth Church. Childcare (up to age 4) is available in the professionally staffed nursery, located in the education wing on the second floor. The Nursery is open from 9 to 12 PM. Feel free to drop kids off before church begins. Busy Bags and Children’s Bulletins are available from the ushers. Children in 1st-8th grade are excused for Sunday School during worship (there is no Sunday School on Communion Sundays). All are welcome to the table!

Some dress in their ‘Sunday best,’ others casually. Wear what makes you comfortable. What matters more is that you are here. The sanctuary can get warm during hot weeks, so please plan accordingly.

The common entrance by the parking lot is accessible with automatic door openers at ground level. Inside the atrium, the elevator gives access to all three floors of the church building. The sanctuary includes wheelchair bays at different locations amid the fixed pews.

Feel free to chat with one of our ministers after worship. You can also submit an inquiry on the Contact Us page and we’ll make sure your question gets to the right place.
Plymouth Church, UCC
2860 Coventry Road
Shaker Heights, OH 44120
By Train
We are accessible by train, just one block from the Drexmore station on the RTA Blue Line or the Coventry station on the RTA Green Line.
By Car
A parking lot is available along the Chadbourne Rd. side of the church and free parking is available on neighboring streets.
Entering the Building
The common entrance is on the southwest side of the church by the parking lot, opposite of the most obvious doors on the covered plaza that faces Coventry Rd. This entrance is accessible. Once inside, ascend by stairs or elevator to the first floor to reach the sanctuary, chapel, or main offices. On Sundays, a greeter will welcome you, and can direct you to the worship service, restrooms, or the nursery room where infants and pre-school age children are welcome. On weekdays, the entrance remains locked for the security of weekday school children inside, and church staff members are available to release the doors when you arrive (it is helpful to contact us in advance for an appointment).

Coventry Entrance
The Coventry Rd. entrance reflects a style common to the early 1920’s when the church was designed, and most people arrived on foot. Stone steps lead to the covered plaza, and the doors open directly into the sanctuary.

Common Entrance
The common entrance is set at ground level, with accessible doors, and leads directly to a welcoming foyer with stairs to the main level and an elevator to access all levels. This entrance is near the center of the building, facing the parking lot.